Q: What is an access code?
A: The access code is a one-time password and is a security measure to prevent hackers from gaining access to the video stream from your Miku camera.
Q: Does everyone need an access code when they update?
A: The access code is required by the Miku firmware v03.02.xx and above. Existing users should not need an access code unless they get a new mobile device or invite new users to share the Miku after it has been updated to that firmware.
Q: How do I use the access code?
A: After the Miku owner invites another user to share the Miku, the invited user must first register and then will be prompted to enter a 6 digit one-time use access code that was included in the email invite.

Q: What if a user gets a new mobile device?
A: A new access code will be required for a new mobile device. This includes both the Miku owner and users sharing his Miku.
Q: How do I get a new access code?
A: On his original mobile device, the Owner must go to Settings...Device Settings…...Device Access…Get Code. If you are not the Owner then you will not see the Device Access option above ‘Remove Device’.
Q: What if I am the Owner and I no longer have the mobile device I used to pair with when I first set up my Miku?
A: You must have physical access to the Miku and follow the instructions to “Add Miku” from the hamburger menu in the upper left. You will be adding the same Miku.
Q: What if I can’t figure out who the Owner is?
A: With physical access to the Miku you can follow the same steps to “Add Miku” to gain access. However, you will not be able to create access codes for other users sharing that Miku. Those users sharing the Miku will also need physical access to the Miku or you can contact Support for help in finding the Owner.
Q: I entered the access code so why do I keep getting the same screen asking me to re-enter the access code?
A: The access code may have expired or the code may already have been used. If you try to use that code again on the same or different mobile device it will not work. See question above on how to get a new access code.
Q: I added a shared user but they never received the invitation.
A: Before an invitation is sent to a user, the app must first contact the Miku itself to obtain an access code. In the case that the Miku is offline or otherwise unreachable, the app cannot send the shared user invitation, so it will attempt to cache the invitation and send it later when the Miku is back online. In the rare case that the Miku is moved to a new wifi network or otherwise never comes back online, the invitation will not be sent. If the Miku has changed wifi networks, the only option is to repair it manually.